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Wine Sommelier ประจำสาขา Porto De Phuket

จำนวนที่รับสมัคร (อัตรา) 1
ระดับเงินเดือน (บาท) 35000-60000
ลักษณะงาน Wine Sommelier/Wine Specialist
-Working in conjunction with Buying and Merchandising and operations to ensure effectively execution of distribution, special events, wine -by- glasses, other opportunities and wine education
-Working side-by-side with Wine department Manager and staff to help develop wine product knowledge and assist with wine presentations in both central food Hall and tops Market format.
-Conduct Staff training and education in all central food halls and selected tops markets.
-Identify opportunities, developing and implementing action plans to increase sales in central wine cellar/wine story.
-Have extensive knowledge of company’s products and provide ongoing in-store training in all central food halls and selected tops Markets.
-Identify and resolve customer concerns
คุณสมบัติผู้สมัคร  1. -Bachelor’s degree in related field
 2. -Experience as a Sommelier or Wine specialist at least 3 years
 3. -Good communication Thai and English skills
จังหวัดที่ปฏิบัติงาน ภูเก็ต